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【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml

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Juvéderm® is hyaluronic acid and also non-animal stable hyaluronic acid. It has been certified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union (CE). It is produced by Allergan Pharmaceuticals in the United States. It specializes in the development of innovative VYCROSS technology, greatly Boosts the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid and smooths wrinkles, smoothing gel touches and creating long-lasting, natural-looking contours. Effectively smoothes the wrinkles on the face directly, making the face more youthful.

Limited to new customers, only one purchase per person

Optional parts: apple muscle/nastral folds/chin/nose/tear groove

​Efficacy: plump apple muscles, lips and slender chin, improve ditches

Treatment volume: 1ml

Original goods​: ALLERGAN, USA

[The first in Hong Kong] 3 months free installment!

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    【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml
    【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml
    【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml
    【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml
    【New Customers Only】JUVÉDERM® Hyaluronic Acid 1ml

    JUVÉDERM® 療程前後對比照

    Juvéderm® 獲美國FDA及歐盟CE認可,獲登列於澳洲治療商品登錄處,及為香港衛生署表列醫療儀器。全球唯一獲美國FDA認證在首次療程後能維持長達一年功效。Juvéderm® 是透明質酸同樣屬非動物穩定性透明質酸 ,獲美國食品及藥物管理局 (FDA) 及歐盟 (CE) 認證,由美國愛力根藥廠生產,專業研製創新的 VYCROSS 科技,大大提高透明質酸的功效並可撫平皺紋,幼滑凝膠修飾及締造持久自然輪廓。有效直接撫平臉上皺紋,令面容更年輕。

    ​JUVEDERM 5大優勢

    •含有0.3% Lidocaine減痛成份,不含防腐劑
    •Juvéderm® 所用的透明質酸非由動物身體提取
    •Juvéderm® 適合改善的位置 : 嘴角紋、咀唇、虎紋、鼻樑、下巴、蘋果肌

    JUVÉDERM® 常見問題

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