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【New Customers Only】Thread Lifting® Medical Thread Embedding Treatment 6 Threads

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New Customer Exclusive Offer: Limit one purchase per person

Use FDA, KFDA certified PDO (polydioxanone) fine thread, and use PDO wire for face lifting. When the PDO smooth wire is embedded in the dermis of the skin, an invisible bracket will be formed, which can lift the skin and muscles, stimulate the formation of collagen and elastic collagen in the dermis of the skin, enhance skin elasticity, remove wrinkles, and improve skin quality. It can promote collagen hyperplasia, angiogenesis, increase blood circulation, promote skin renewal effect, and achieve the effect of firming, lifting and improving skin quality.

[The first in Hong Kong] 3 months free installment!

EVR Liancheng ATOME 3 -month interest-free installment for online shopping on the platform! Join hands with you to fight against the epidemic ~ All laser hair removal / medical beauty /facial skin rejuvenation treatments, as long as you use ATOME to check out, you can immediately pay for 3 months of interest-free installments, which is very convenient! There is no minimum consumption limit, and treatment courses below $20,000 can be divided into 3 installments interest - free😘

    【New Customers Only】Thread Lifting® Medical Thread Embedding Treatment 6 Threads
    【New Customers Only】Thread Lifting® Medical Thread Embedding Treatment 6 Threads
    【New Customers Only】Thread Lifting® Medical Thread Embedding Treatment 6 Threads
    vigour 激光皮秒


    NO.1 最受香港女性歡迎醫美品牌,成立至今已達過萬真實客戶見證。全城KOL名人,真實顧客,傳媒熱捧,皆因我們對待顧客就如同朋友。我們宗旨就是絕不硬銷,明碼實價。妳我一起締造真正快樂美容,立即Tag #EVRBEAUTY成為我們的一份子

    ULTRA V®醫學埋線療程前後對比照

    vigour 激光皮秒

    Ultra V lift 原廠來自韓國,使用FDA、KFDA認證的 PDO(polydioxanone)細線 Fine Thread,利用PDO的線材進行臉部拉提。當PDO平滑線的線材埋入皮膚的真皮層後會形成一個隱形支架,可拉提皮膚和肌肉,刺激皮膚真皮層的膠原蛋白和彈力膠原形成,增強皮膚彈性、除皺、改善膚質,長期可促進膠原蛋白增生,血管新生,血液循環增加,促進皮膚更新效應,達致緊緻提升及改善膚質的效果。



    醫學埋線® 常見問題

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    為何選擇EVRbeauty NO.1口碑醫美?




    因為𝑬𝑽𝑹𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 宗旨就是絕不硬銷,明碼實價顧客就是我們的朋友!至今達到過萬美麗見證。

