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[New Customers Only] REDENSITY 1® Skin Nutrition Drink 1ml

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REDENSITY I 5 major functions

  • Powerfully activate and repair skin cell structure

  • Antioxidant and deep water injection for skin

  • Efficiently improves skin firmness

  • Wrinkle smoothing and skin rejuvenation effects

  • Restores skin's suppleness and radiance

Limited to new customers, only one purchase per person

Optional parts: face

​Efficacy: Deep moisturizing, replenishing various nutrients

Treatment volume: 1ml

Original factory goods​: TEOXANE Swiss pharmaceutical factory

[The first in Hong Kong] 3 months free installment!

EVR Lian Cheng ATOME 3 -month interest-free installment for online shopping on the platform! Join hands with you to fight against the epidemic ~ All laser hair removal / medical beauty /facial skin rejuvenation treatments, as long as you use ATOME to check out, you can immediately pay for 3 months of interest-free installments, which is very convenient! There is no minimum consumption limit, and treatment courses below $20,000 can be divided into 3 installments interest - free😘

    [New Customers Only] REDENSITY 1® Skin Nutrition Drink 1ml
    [New Customers Only] REDENSITY 1® Skin Nutrition Drink 1ml
    [New Customers Only] REDENSITY 1® Skin Nutrition Drink 1ml

    REDENSITY 1® 療程前後對比照

    都市人生活節奏急速,除了工作壓力,生活飲食都不健康,皮膚暗沈,細紋開始浮現,暗啞無光澤。 REDENSITY 1 肌膚飲專門為肌膚注入養分,獨有胺基酸配方 Demo-Restructuring Complex 8,3,2,1,即8種胺基酸、3 種抗氧化物、2 種礦物質及 1 種維生素,因而更能有效活化細胞、重組皮膚密度,為肌膚重現水潤光澤! 每3星期進行一次療程,連續3次保養療程,效果可以維持長達12個月或以上。

    ​REDENSITY I 5大功效


    REDENSITY 1® 常見問題

    REDEFINE 您的醫美首選
    4.9 (100,000+reviews)

    價錢透明公道 ,沒有海鮮價也絕對不硬銷。Redefine非常專業,醫生解釋詳盡,態度非常親切細心,並且很顧及你的感受,不像坊間其他醫美中心只求快捷了事,非常推薦。(翻譯)

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    去左Redefine做療程,醫生超超超好人,過程專業又快速,一啲都唔拖!做完個成果超級滿意,效果一級棒!同埋佢地真係完全唔hard sell~~好開心自己揀啱左呢間,我一定會推介我全部朋友過來😆

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    職員服務態度很好很友善。完全不hardsell,去做無壓力,零銷售。做完療程舒服離開,過程真係零硬銷。成個過程好快,醫生非常細心,員工態度Friendly 十分好❤️❤️一定會推介朋友黎Redefine!

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    為何選擇EVRbeauty NO.1口碑醫美?




    因為𝑬𝑽𝑹𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 宗旨就是絕不硬銷,明碼實價顧客就是我們的朋友!至今達到過萬美麗見證。

